How to Create a Weekly Workout Routine

Celebrities may be able to tone up for a movie or lose baby weight in a matter of weeks but unfortunately for the average person you simply haven’t got the time to spend hours at the gym every day.

However, just because life can feel a little hectic doesn’t mean you cannot establish a weekly workout routine to help you get in shape and lose those excess lbs.

Simply bear in mind the following and you can successfully improve your health.

What time have you got available to you?

You first need to assess when you have got time to exercise as it is easy to find an excuse to get out of it. For this reason, you should consider the following options:

  • Exercise before work: whether you go for a jog, walk the dog or hit the gym for an hour, start your day with a little exercise before you go to work or take care of the kids. You’ll be surprised by how much this exercise helps to energise you.
  • Exercise on your lunch break: just because you are at work, doesn’t mean you cannot get in shape. Simply go for a 40 minute walk every day and burn 100’s of extra calories.
  • Exercise before you get home: don’t go straight home from work, as you’ll find it difficult to motivate yourself to go back out. Instead go to the gym, for a run or to an aerobics class after work and use exercise to clear your mind of stress.

What exercise is best for you?

The best workout routines incorporate cardio, aerobics and strength training, as they help to boost your metabolism, build muscle and burn fat. Similarly, such a varied routine will ensure that you don’t get bored of exercise.

  • Cardio: is designed to raise your heart rate and increase delivery of oxygen to your muscles. For the best results you need to keep your heart rate at 50% of its maximum levels for at least 20 minutes and make sure you are out of breath. Cardio exercises we recommend, include: going for a walk, jogging, cycling, swimming, aerobics and rowing.

Whichever one of these you choose to do, aim to vary your intensity between slow and fast to help strengthen your muscles.

  • Aerobics: there are various types of aerobics. Some focus on toning your bum, thighs and stomachs; some take place at the swimming pool and some incorporate dance and cardio. For this reason, consider what are you are trying to achieve – do you want to lose weight or simply tone up – and pick from there.
  • Strength training: it is a known fact that the more muscle you have, the more calories you burn. Why? Because your muscles require a lot of calories in order to function.

Now strength training can offer your body many benefits: improved toning across your arms, shoulders and stomach; increased calorie burn; stronger bones and more stamina. Simply incorporate weights into your squats, lunges and curls and you can lose weight.

For optimum strength training, aim to include the following: barbell squat, leg curl, bent over row, barbell bench press, barbell shoulder press, barbell curl, triceps press down, incline bench press, lateral raise, dips, leg extension, pull downs, incline flys, reverse curls and triceps press.

NOTE: get an instructor to show you how to use the equipment before trying it alone.

How often should you exercise?

Health experts recommend that you exercise for at least 30 minutes, 3 times a week. Now this is the minimum amount recommended, so you can do more if you have got the time. However it is important that you give your body time to rest between sessions so that you don’t injury your body. This is especially important if you choose to do strength training.

Creating a Weekly Routine

It is important to remember that the above information is a guide. What exercise you choose to do every week is up to you. However if you still need help structuring a routine, here is a basic weekly plan.


  • Morning: walk the dog, go to gym (treadmill, strength training, rowing machine) or go swimming, OR
  • Lunch: 40 minute walk, pilates class or swimming OR
  • Evening: aerobics class, cardio class, Zumba, strength training, cycling or a run.


Make this a day of rest from intensive exercise. Instead only go for a walk or a swim.


  • Morning: walk the dog, go to gym (treadmill, strength training, rowing machine) or go for a swim, OR
  • Lunch: 40 minute walk, OR
  • Evening: aerobics class, cardio class, Zumba, strength training, cycling or a run (do not do the same at Monday – diversify).


Similar to Tuesday make it a day of rest where you only do something light such as walking, swimming or pilates.


  • Morning: walk the dog, go to gym (treadmill, strength training, rowing machine) or go swimming, OR
  • Lunch: 40 minute walk, swimming, quick session at the gym, OR
  • Evening: aerobics class, cardio class, Zumba, strength training, cycling or running (do something different from Monday and Wednesday).


Make this a day of rest and don’t do anything too strenuous.

NOTE: this is a basic guideline.

And there you have it. So begin structuring your weekly routine today and start witnessing the benefits of a healthier lifestyle. Once you have the steps in place, you can lose weight.

Hello there! :) My name is Emilia Smith and I love to help people look and feel better. I am the main researcher on and keep it up-to-date with the best solutions available on the market for a wide variety of health needs!


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