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Fish Oil vs. Flax Oil: Which is Best?


It is easy to see why these 2 oils have been under scrutiny for so long. Their similar health benefits are undeniable…

Yet despite being enriched in omega-3s – which have been proven to lower your blood pressure, cholesterol, heart disease and risk of strokes – this is where their similarities end.

In fact, when you get down to the nitty-gritty, there is obviously one clear winner in this debate. Why? Because the type of omega-3s they produce are not equally efficient.

How are their omega-3s different?

For years flax seed oil has been favoured over fish oil as it contains alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) – a fatty acid which can also be used to produce EPA and DHA (this is one omega-3 up on fish oil which only contains EPA and DHA).

But here is where things get interesting…

Just because flax seed contains ALA – which can make EPA and DHA – doesn’t mean it makes these 2 omega-3s efficiently. In fact, flax seed oil arguably makes the whole process more complicated than it needs to be because:

  • ALA has to be converted into useable EPA before it can be used (this involves using 7 complex enzymes)
  • Recent studies have found that flax seed oil cannot be converted in DHA at all

And this can spell bad news for your body as DHA in particular is needed for brain and eye health (both when you are developing in the womb and as you get older).

But this is not all…

Whilst teenage girls are able to convert flax seed ALA into usable omega-3, older women, boys and men are unable to use flax seed at all.

So fish oil is better?

In terms of your long term health, yes as it provides you with the correct levels of all these omega-3s. Similarly, there is none of the complication of having to make EPA and DHA as these omegas already exist within this oil.

However, despite all this, this doesn’t mean flax seed oil is completely useless.

It can still offer you the same health benefits as fish oil such as your blood pressure and cholesterol. The only difference is, you’ll need to take more flax seed oil in order to see the same results. As proven by a recent study, where scientists found that taking 6 flax seed oil pills in the morning and then again in the evening produced the same health benefits of 1 fish oil pill.

Flax oil vs Fish oil

Fish oil certainly has got the upper hand, but that doesn’t mean taking flax seed oil won’t benefit your diet. After all, you still need ALA which fish oil doesn’t contain.

Simply aim to create a healthy balance between these 2 oils and combine them with a nutritious diet. In no time at all, your body will begin to benefit from their numerous health perks.

Foods To Eat Before A Workout


What you eat before, during and after exercise can greatly affect your ability to lose weight and burn calories.

For instance, when it comes to preparing for exercise, most experts will tell you to opt for easily digestible carbohydrates as not only can they prevent you from feeling hungry whilst you exercise, but they can also stop your energy levels from depleting too quickly.

Why should I eat easily digestible carbohydrates?

Whilst fats and proteins can provide your body with fuel, generally your main source for fuel is carbohydrates which become stored in your muscles as glycogen.

Now it can take quite awhile to fill your glycogen stores, which is why when it comes to preparing for exercise the types of foods you eat should be based on increasing your intensity and stamina as well as suit the type of workout you plan to do.

When should I eat?

You should never eat immediately before you plan to workout as this food will remain in your stomach the entire time you are exercising and unsurprisingly can trigger stomach ache, nausea and even cramping.

To minimise this discomfort, but ensure you have got plenty of energy to exercise, you should allow enough time for your food to digest, somewhere between 1-4 hours (this will be affected by what and how much you have eaten).

But what if I want to exercise in the morning?

A lot of weight loss management plans will tell you to exercise before you go to work to minimise the risk of you opting out. Now before you panic and wonder ‘when can I eat’, it is still possible to exercise in the morning, even when you are giving your stomach time to settle.

You will simply need to do one of the following:

Either, try to get up early enough to give your stomach at least 1 hour to digest your food, or alternatively opt for an easy to digest food or drink i.e. an energy bar, and eat it 20-30 minutes before you exercise.

NOTE: if you are struggling to find time to eat and exercise, adopt this approach – the closer you get to a workout, the less you should eat.

What foods can I eat?

Remember how I mentioned that you should only eat carbohydrates which are easy to digest? These foods are pretty easy to find, as they are contained in pasta, fruits, breads, energy bars and drinks.

Take these for example:

  • Pasta – wholegrain is best
  • Fruits – apples, watermelon, peaches, grapes, oranges
  • Vegetables – green leafy vegetables
  • Breads – bagels, wholegrain

Similarly, it is important that you are aware of which foods will hinder your workout. These include: meats, doughnuts, chips and chocolate bars.

Can you keep fit at your desk?


When it comes to working in an office, a lot of us find it difficult to keep the lbs at bay. And it is not exactly made easy when you are faced with the temptations of sugary snacks, vending machines and work meals… the calories can soon begin to mount up.

Yet, weight gain at work is becoming an increasingly big problem…

In a 2001 study by the University of Chicago they found that those working in a sedentary career ended up with a BMI 3.3 units higher than those who had an active job.

And this study was done 10 years ago. Who knows how big this difference is now!

So what can I do?

Now before you consider ditching the job you love for a more active one, working in an office doesn’t necessarily have to lead to weight gain.

In fact by using the following tips, you can learn how to stay fit at your desk and maintain your weight.


Now, the idea of exercising at your desk may sound comical but it is possible to do stretching, muscle strengthening and even aerobic exercise whilst you are at work. Take these routines for example:

60 Second Aerobics: improving your heart variability – its ability to jump from resting to pumped – has been found to decrease your chances of heart disease. For this reason, try to do these at work:

  1. For 60 seconds do jumping jacks
  2. Lifting your knees high, run on the spot for 60 seconds
  3. Pretending you have a skipping rope, hop from one foot to the other whilst simulating the arm motion of turning a rope
  4. Sitting at your desk, pump both of your arms into the air for 30 seconds, before rapidly tapping your feet on the floor for 30 seconds. Repeat 5 times
  5. If you have got an empty conference room, walk around the room as fast as you can for 60 seconds. Alternatively do walk lunges.
  6. If your office has got stairs, begin by walking up and down them as fast as you can before progressing to taking the stairs 2 steps at a time. Do this 5 times a day

Fitness Exercises: these are particularly useful if you don’t want to leave yourself too out of breath to answer the phone:

  1. Holding a table or wall for support do one-legged squats
  2. Standing straight, kick your bum with alternating feet
  3. Sitting at your desk, lift one leg off your seat, extend it out, hold for 2 seconds, then lower until it is just off the floor. Hold for 2 seconds and switch legs. Do this 15 times
  4. If you have got a sturdy chair, place both of your hands on the arm rests and lift your bum from off the chair. Lower yourself down until you are just above your seat and hold for 3 seconds. Repeat 15 times
  5. Pushups are not only for the floor. You can use your desk too. Simply place your hands on the desk, walk backwards and then proceed to do 15 pushups.

Stretching Exercises: it is good to keep yourself limber at work as this will help to relieve stress and stop your muscles from cramping. Give these a try:

  1. Sitting in a chair, stretch your arms above your head and pretend you are reaching for the sky. Hold for 10 seconds, then try to extend your right arm higher than your left. Hold for 10, then switch sides
  2. Allowing your head to loll to your right, gently press your hand against the side of your head and try to lower your right ear to your right shoulder. Hold for 10 seconds, relax, then repeat but this time on your left
  3. To help relieve your tension, whilst sitting turn your head to the left and your torso to the right. Hold, then repeat 15 times remembering to alternate sides
  4. Pushing your chair away from your desk, place your right heel on your desk whilst sitting up straight. Next bend forward, until you can feel the stretch in the back of your leg. Flex your foot and then point it. At this point try to bend even further forward, hold for 10 seconds, then relax. Repeat but on the other side

Alternative exercises: if you don’t fancy doing all these exercises at your desk, there are other ways for you to stay fit at work:

  1. Go for a 40 minute walk every day on your lunch break
  2. If there is a gym close to your office, try to go for a 30 minute session during lunch. Swim or in the gym, go several times a week and you can increase your calorie burn
  3. Forget using Skype to talk to your work friends. Take a stroll to their desk

Remember to eat: Now this tip can go 2 ways. One where you forget to eat until you get home, so you end up binging on fatty foods. Or two, where you snack continuously over the course of the day without taking into account the number of calories you are eating.In both cases, it is important that you remember to eat, but that you make the right food choices. I suggest, pre-packing your lunch and snacks before you get to the office so you aren’t tempted to buy anything else when you are there.

Similarly, it is important that you eat  something healthy i.e. 2 sandwiches (filled with cheese, chicken, ham or beef), a jacket potato or a bowl of pasta. In terms of snacks  opt for crackers, low calorie energy bars, fruit and nuts.

As you can see, staying fit at work – especially in a sedentary job – doesn’t have to feel unattainable. Even incorporating a few of these exercises will help to tone your muscles, get your heart pumping and keep your metabolism working hard.

So give them a go…

You may feel silly at first, but with practice they will make a difference to your weight loss

What Vitamins Should I Take Daily?


You could argue that you should aim to have every vitamin under the sun every single day; however some vitamins are more beneficial for your health and weight loss than others.

For instance, many nutritionists will advise you to take a multivitamin as well as a vitamin D supplement every day to ensure your body is getting all the nutrients it needs.

But what do these multivitamins actually contain?

On average you can except to find the following vitamins in your day to day multivitamins. And we think you’ll agree, they are all important:

  • Vitamin A–  best known for helping you to see in the dark, Vitamin A stimulates white blood cell production, helping you to remodel bones, maintain endothelial cells and regulate cell growth and division. NOTE: recommended daily amount is 900 micrograms for men and 700 for women.Food sources: breakfast cereals, juice, dairy products
  • Folate, Vitamin B6 and Vitamin B12– too little folate and B vitamins have been linked to birth defects such as spina bifida and anencephaly. Similarly these vitamins are also used in the fight against heart disease and cancer. NOTE: recommended daily amount is 400 micrograms.Food sources: fruit, vegetables, whole grains, beans, breakfast cereals and fortified grains.
  • Vitamin C– of all the vitamins out there, Vitamin C is the most well known due to it preventing scurvy and illnesses. Neutralising free radicals, Vitamin C helps to make collagen which is essential for healthy bones, teeth, gums and blood vessels. NOTE: recommended daily amount is 90 milligrams for men and 75 milligrams for women.Food sources: citrus fruits, berries, green and red peppers, tomatoes, broccoli and spinach.
  • Vitamin D– studies suggest over half the population has low vitamin D levels due to lack of exposure to sunlight (something you cannot always help depending on where you live). Consequently, there has been a rise in osteoporosis, heart disease, rickets and some cancers. NOTE: daily recommendations vary but most recommend 600IU for 1-70 year olds and 800IU for the over 70s.Food sources: unfortunately very few foods contain Vitamin D, which is why it is advised that you take Vitamin D supplements. The few foods which contain Vitamin D include dairy products, breakfast cereals and fatty fish such as salmon and tuna.
  • Vitamin E– this vitamin is most linked to the prevention of heart disease although studies have experienced mixed results with this idea. Other benefits include improved skin elasticity and toning (which is why you see it in so many stretch mark creams). NOTE: recommended daily amount is 15 milligrams.Food sources: sunflower and safflower oils, oil based salad dressings, almonds, sunflower seeds, peanut butter and dark leafy greens.
  • Vitamin K– this vitamin is essential for making 4 of the 13 proteins needed for blood clotting. However it has also been linked to bone building. NOTE: recommended daily amount is 120 micrograms for men and 90 micrograms for women.Food sources: green leafy vegetables (ale, collard greens, broccoli, brussel sprouts, parsley).

There is no denying that vitamins play an important role in maintaining your health, so try to boost your vitamin content today and begin witnessing the benefits of a positive lifestyle. A healthier body will soon lead to easier weight loss.

Calcium May Extend Women’s Lifespan


Taking daily calcium tablets can help extend a woman’s lifespan, new research suggests.

Calcium supplemets

Up to 1,000 mg of calcium a day in supplement form is associated with a lower mortality risk among women

Up to 1,000 mg a day in supplement form is associated with a lower mortality risk among women. This was revealed in a study published in the Endocrine Society’s Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism.

However, there was no corresponding statistical benefit for men in taking the tablets. This was concluded after analysis of the health of more than 9,000 people in Canada between 1995 and 2007.

Higher amounts of calcium were potentially linked to even longer lives for women. It doesn’t matter whether it derived from dairy or non-dairy foods or supplements.

Although calcium supplements are already taken by millions of older people and post-menopausal women to prevent bone thinning, past studies have linked them to increased heart disease risk.

“The benefit was seen for women who took doses of up to 1,000 mg per day, regardless of whether the supplement contained vitamin D,” said study lead author Dr David Goltzman, of McGill University in Montreal.

“Higher amounts of calcium were potentially linked to longer lifespans in women, regardless of the source of the calcium.

“That is, the same benefits were seen when the calcium came from dairy foods, non-dairy foods or supplements.”

Can You Exercise at Home?


Okay, this may sound like a redundant question – of course you can exercise at home – but the thing is, we are not talking about the many exercise DVDs you can buy at your supermarket..

No. In this post we want to discuss the many fun ways you can exercise at home, using items from your house.


Chores may be the bane of your existence but you may feel very differently once you know how many calories they burn.

  • Painting: 288 calories in 1 hour
  • Gardening: 256 calories in 1 hour
  • Cleaning the gutters: 320 calories in 1 hour
  • Washing dishes: 75 calories in 30 minutes
  • Laundry: 210 calories in 30 minutes
  • Light house cleaning: 216 calories in 30 minutes

A simple combination of these chores everyday can help you to burn 100s of calories without you even realizing it.

Step exercises

You can use your stairs to do these exercise at home. Simply choose to either go repetitively up and down a whole flight of stairs or use the bottom two as a stepper.NOTE: whilst doing this one, use some weights (i.e. cans of peas) to tone your arms and put on some music to keep you entertained.Similarly, as you get more practiced with this routine, make it harder by adding some weight to your workout. For instance, fill a rucksack with some heavy items, increasing the weight slightly every time you exercise. Alternatively you can attach some weights to your ankles.

Light weight lifting

You don’t need weights to tone your arms. Simply get 2 cans of peas out of your cupboard and use them as weights. As you get more used to them, you can opt for heavier objects to lift.

Go for a walk

Whether you choose to play outside with your kids or take a walk around your house, you can create a circuit which will get your whole body working out.


You don’t need a workout video to get a sweat on, simply put on a CD or find a music channel on your TV and dance around your front room for 30 minutes.

Jogging on the spot

You’ll be surprised by how long you can jog for. To keep you entertained and motivated put on some music or watch TV. Just remember to stretch first before you start and cool down afterwards to avoid pulling any muscles. Also make sure you have got a drink to hand to keep you hydrated.


Crunches, jumping jacks and squats are all exercises you can easily do at home, so if you don’t fancy doing them in a class, why not do them in your front room?

  • Crunches: lie down on your back and breathing out pull yourself up using your stomach NOT your back. Repeat 30 times and aim to do 3 sets every day.
  • Squats: space your legs shoulder length apart and crouch down keeping your back straight. Lower yourself until your bum is level with your knees and hold for 10 seconds. Repeat 30 times
  • Jumping Jacks: these are simple enough, simply jump spreading your arms and legs out and jump again returning to your original standing position. Keep doing this for 2 minutes

Exercising at home is incredibly easy once you know-how, so give the above exercises a try and help your body to naturally burn 100s of extra calories a day.

Örtte 28 Day Skinny Tea Combo Review


Discontinued Product

This product has been discontinued and is no longer available for purchase.

We suggest visiting our best diet pills article for the latest product recommendations.

Interested in Örtte 28 Day Skinny Tea Combo? The guys at Örtte were ever so kind to send us a sample of their product for review and I can tell you right now: we were very impressed!

What is Örtte 28 Day Skinny Tea all about?

Yep, you guessed it! Örtte 28 Day Skinny Tea is a slimming tea.

However, unlike most slimming teas in the market, this one offers a complete weight loss system that works 24 hours a day, to the point that they market it as an “Intense Weight Loss Tea”.

To achieve the above, this product comes in a combo of 2 bags (that will last you 28 days), one containing a morning tea and other containing an evening tea.

Why two different teas?

Glad you asked! That’s their main selling point and in our opinion the reason why this tea stands out in the super competitive market of weight loss teas.

While the majority of the slimming teas come in one single blend to use through-out the day, Örtte 28 Day Skinny Tea Combo provides you with 2 different blends optimized for the time of the day:

  • The morning tea is packed up with super fruits, vitamins & minerals. Its main goal is to give you an energy boost when you really need it (through the day) while adding in a variety of weight loss benefits from metabolism boosting to reduced appetite.
  • The evening tea is stimulant-free allowing you to enjoy a good night sleep (ever so important for healthy weight loss) and comes packed with a variety of detoxing ingredients that will do their magic through the night.

Morning Tea in detail

Ortte Skinny Morning Tea

Örtte’s Skinny Tea Morning Tea is packed full of fantastic ingredients that will work on your body through the day in a variety of ways:

  • Provides you with all needed vitamins & minerals
  • Provides you with an energy boost thought the day
  • Boosts your metabolism so you can lose more calories
  • Reduces your appetite so you can keep yourself in check
  • Detoxes your body of unwanted toxins
  • Improves your mood & overall health

A closer look at its ingredients…

Green Tea


The all-powerful green tea. There’s no slimming tea in the world without it and there’s a reason for that. As a powerful antioxidant, this tea is well known for the energy boost it provides as well as its weight loss benefits. It is a core ingredient of Örtte’s Skinny Tea.

Yearba Mate Leaf


Found in several energy drinks, this leaf natural from South America was subject to several studies and clinical trials which discovered some benefits such as reduction in allergy symptoms and reduced risk of diabetes and high blood sugar. However, it’s compounds also act as appetite suppressant, increase mental energy and focus, improve mood and promotes better sleep.

Lime Leaf


Packed with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, lime leaf is well known to aid with digestion, which will help detox your body.

Lotus Leaf


Traditionally used in Chinese Medicine, Lotus Leaf has a variety of health benefits, including prevention and treatment of ringworm, stress and diarrhea. It also improves liver function and encourages healthy weight loss.

Dandelion Leaf


One more powerful ingredient, the dandelion leaf is packed full of antioxidants & vitamins that will boost your overall health. It boosts your metabolism rate, detoxes the blood and helps with balancing both sugar and glucose levels.

Rhubarb Root


Mostly known for culinary, rhubarb is a very intriguing plant, full of powerful health-boosting properties. While rhubarb leaves are mildly toxic, it’s root is extremely high in fiber, vitamins and antioxidants.

Goji Berries


Goji Berries are a well-known superfood due to their high vitamin content. Despite being fairly small, they are powerhouses that will boost immune system and stimulate energy and performance.

How to take the morning tea for the best results?

When you order a single supply (28 days) of Örtte 28 Day Skinny Tea, you will be getting 28 doses of the morning tea. These are meant to be taken every morning of these 28 days.

To prepare your morning tea:

  • Boil some water
  • Put a tea bag in your favorite mug
  • Pour the boiling water into the mug or infuser bottle and leave infusing for 5 minutes
  • (Optional) For a twist in flavor you can add a hint of lemon, cinnamon or honey to your drink

Evening Tea in detail

Ortte Skinny Evening Tea

Just like the Morning Tea, Örtte’s Skinny Tea Evening Tea also contains powerful ingredients. Acting through your evening and night, this tea will:

  • Detox your body thought the night
  • Provide you with a variety of health benefits
  • Aid with healthy digestion
  • Promote better sleep

A closer look at its ingredients…

Senna Leaf


Senna Leaf is an FDA (US Food and Drug Administration) approved nonprescription laxative. Often used in clinics to clear the bowel before colonoscopies, this ingredient will cleanse your colon and digestive system through the night, ensuring that your body gets rid of any unnecessary toxins.

Hawthorn Berry


Hawthorn Berry has a variety of medical uses, from treating heart diseases, improving circulatory system, reducing & managing symptoms of angina, insomnia and diarrhea, reducing anxiety, improving digestive system, … the list goes on. To sum it up, it helps with detoxing while providing you with a variety of health benefits.

Lotus Leaf


Lotus Leaf is one of the 2 ingredients that is present on both the morning and night teas of this combo. As seen above, it will improve your liver function, while encouraging healthy weight loss.

Lime Leaf


Lime leaves is the other ingredient present in both teas. Packed with essential vitamins, minerals and antioxidants it will aid with digestion and detox your body.

Psyllium Husk Seed


Psyllium Husk Seeds are packed full of fiber and will promote natural bowel movements, prevent discomfort and sluggishness as well as control your blood sugar level. With it you will be able to sleep better through the night, ensuring you get those 8 hours of good sleep sorted!

Poria Cocos Stem Bark


Extremely popular in China, Poria has promising animal studies that show it’s potential to manage cancer and diabetes, but these effects are yet to be proved on human clinical trials.  However, some of their proven capabilities include anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory and anti-viral properties.

How to take the evening tea for the best results?

When you order a single supply (28 days) of Örtte 28 Day Skinny Tea, you will be getting 14 doses of the evening tea. These are meant to be taken every second evening during the 28 days.

To prepare your morning tea:

  • Boil some water
  • Put a tea bag in your favorite mug or Örtte Infuser Bottle (if you have one)
  • Pour the boiling water into the mug or infuser bottle and leave infusing for 5 minutes
  • (Optional) For a twist in flavor you can add a hint of lemon, cinnamon or honey to your drink

Are there are side effects drinking Örtte 28 Day Skinny Tea?

Good news – no side effects at all.

This tea is produced using only the finest natural ingredients with no know associated side effects.

Please note: This product is not suitable for those who are pregnant or breastfeeding.

How long does one supply of Örtte Skinny Tea Combo last?

As mentioned above, each combo comes with 2 bags:

  • Morning Tea bag containing 28 teabags (to be taken 1 a day)
  • Evening Tea bag containing 14 teabags (to be taken 1 every second day)

If you don’t skip any day (recommended for best results), each combo will last you exactly 28 days, so think of it as a month’s supply.

Customer Testimonials – does it really work?

I could go on and on all day on all the scientific info of each and every ingredient, but in the end of the day I guess all you really wanted to know is whether this product works and if it’s worth your money.

And the answer to that from our point of view is that yes, it does work and delivers results.

BUT don’t just take our word from it.

This product is growing at a huge rate due to its happy customers continuously sharing their positive experiences on social media channels.

Where to buy Örtte 28 Day Skinny Tea?

This product is available to buy from it’s official website for £32.95.

While you might find in other stores, we always recommend buying off the official site for the best price.

Discontinued Product

This product has been discontinued and is no longer available for purchase.

We suggest visiting our best diet pills article for the latest product recommendations.

Forza T5 Super Strength on Daily Mail


Over the past few days, there’s an increasing number of articles being published in newspapers about several successful weight loss stories caused by the use of Forza T5 Super Strength.

You could see Forza T5 Super Strength on Daily Mail, The Mirror, Yahoo Lifestyle news and in several other newspapers and magazines.

The reason for that is the amazing results obtained by Ray Quinn, with 2 stones lost in 2 months!

However, before you go on to buy this diet pill, I would like to give you some important information about it.

Ray-Quinn Forza T5

So, what’s Forza T5 Super Strength all about?

Forza T5 Super Strength is a unique weight loss pill, which helps to shed extra kilos, assists your muscle growth and firm your body shape.

An amazing number of one million bottles were sold just last year and this value just keeps on growing, which is explained by the excellent weight loss results it gets.

Main features of Forza t5 Super Strength:

  • 100 % Natural Ingredients
  • Energy booster
  • Efficient fat burner with ability to replace fat cells with muscles
  • Reduces appetite
  • Helps to trim your body shape
  • No unwanted side effects
  • Safe to use
  • Rich in vitamins and minerals

Forza T5 Super Strength on Daily Mail

Sunday morning, Daily Mail (and other newspapers/magazines) showcased an article about the TV celebrity Ray Quinn and his weight loss story using Forza T5 Super Strength.

The West End star admitted that he was eating too many takeaways and drinking too much lager.

However, after being invited to participate on ITV Show “Dancing on Ice”, Ray decided to change his bad habits and get into shape before the recordings started in 12 weeks time.

Ray started to take Forza T5 Super Strength twice a day together with a healthy diet and intensive exercise regime.


The results he achieved in just 12 weeks were simply stunning. Ray Quinn lost 2 stone (12 kilos)!

He confessed that using Forza T5 Super Strength helped him burn unnecessary fat much faster, reduce his appetite (making him forget his snacking in between meals) and provided him with all needed protein and energy.

Other Celebrity Endorsements of Forza T5 Super Strength

Few months ago Made in Chelsea star Spencer Matthews also appeared on Daily Mail with his own successful weight loss story using Forza T5 Super Strength.

He was lumpy and used to love fast food, but after being invited to be a model for Men’s Health magazine, he decided to lose weight and tone his body.

After 6 weeks of using Forza T5 Super Strength together with a balanced diet and intensive exercises, he lost an incredible amount of 1 stone (6 kilos) of weight and more than double of his body fat.

BEFORE AFTER Matthew spencer

Take a look at the results by yourself:

Forza Capsicum Chilli Review (Discontinued)


Discontinued Product

This product has been discontinued and is no longer available for purchase.

We suggest visiting our best diet pills article for the latest product recommendations.

What is Forza Capsicum Chilli?

Peppers were cultivated from old times and widely used in many cuisines around the world.Extract of capsicum, can be found in various peppers we eat (green, red, chilies, etc).

Nowadays this ingredient became highly valuable in weight loss market, for its specific abilities and benefits.

Forza Capsicum Chilli 2:2:1 is a leading mixture with high-fat burning capacity created in a small soft capsule.

Key Ingredients


It is widely used as spices for food, but nowadays also can be found in various medicines and weight loss supplements.

  • Responsible for boosting your immune system and metabolism level within your body.
  • Boosts the level at which your fat oxidases. Capsicum enables you to oxidase your fat at a faster level and uses more fat to convert into energy. The final result is more calories burned at the same time.
  • Helps to control your normal blood pressure and heart rate.


A mix of Caffeine, Beta-Alanine and Vitamin B12

  • Enables to increase your intellectual and all body performance.
  • Boost you with increased vitality even when you lower daily food portions quantities and helps to fight tiredness.
  • Improves your ability to concentrate.


A mix of Vitamin B1, B3 together with Black Pepper, Capsinoids

  • Vitamin B1 is needed to help to obtain energy from your body fat and in this way to help burn calories.
  • Vitamin B3 (Niacin) is responsible for blood sugar control in your body, low cholesterol levels and helps to convert your body fat into energy.
  • Black pepper is an amazing antioxidant that helps to boost your metabolism level within your body. All ingredients blended together form very powerful fat burning features just in one tablet.

Main Benefits of using Forza Capsicum Chilli

  • Improves your metabolism in your body
  • Keeps your blood sugars at a normal rate
  • Helps to improve your body performance at low-level calorie intakes
  • Enables to use your body fat cells and change them into energy
  • Weakens your wish to eat snacks and junk food during the day
  • More effective calories burning

What Is the 2:2:1 Ratio Forza Capsicum Chilli?

Specific ratio formula blends are becoming very famous among all Forza Supplements production.

Simply is just certain ingredient proportions mixed together, which creates special and exclusive product.

In this case Forza Capsicum Chilli 2:2:1 formula states, that to create this exclusive blend was mixed:

  • 40% of Capsicum
  • 40% of original DynamoBlend™, which contains of 3 ingredients, that responsible for your body stimulation
  • 20% PyroBlend™, which is mix of vitamins, black pepper and Capsinoids.

Are There Any Side Effects

Capsicum is proven to be safe to use, as The Food and Drug Administration has given GRAS status to it.

You only might be affected by minor side effects if you are in any way allergic to red or green chilli peppers and their seeds. Other than, that there are no reports made about any side effects between people, that using it in recommended daily intakes.

How to use it?

For a new users it is advisable to start taking 2 capsules in the morning with full glass of water.

After some usage you might want to increase the dosage taking 2 capsules in the morning and then one in the afternoon.

It is recommended not to exceed 4 capsules per day, nor more, than 2 capsules at a time.

Discontinued Product

This product has been discontinued and is no longer available for purchase.

We suggest visiting our best diet pills article for the latest product recommendations.

Primeburn Review (Discontinued)


Discontinued Product

This product has been discontinued and is no longer available for purchase.

We suggest visiting our best diet pills article for the latest product recommendations.

Shredding that last layer of fat is one of the hardest parts of attaining that dream physique.

Even athletes find it a tough journey and  a lot of them do not make it to the promised land of raging abs and V-shaped torso, so you can imagine how difficult is it for non-athletes.

Distractions are not hard to come by (TV, video games, fast food, just wanting to stay in bed, …) which makes it ever harder to reach your goals.

It’s no secret that extreme dedication is required to reach that dream physique. There are no major shortcuts, and there are plenty of detours. You need the right motivation as well as dedication, you need the right diet and which could mean ditching your favourite foods.

To sum it up in one word, you need discipline, and that is the hardest thing to maintain.

However I’m here to tell you that you discipline can waver from time to time and that – in moderation – you can relax a little and still attain that low body fat percentage you have worked so hard for. What enables this is a fantastic new product from Bauer nutrition, called Primeburn.

Throughout this article, I will give you an in depth Primeburn Review, how it works and why I would recommend it above all other supplements in it’s class.

What does Primeburn Do?

There are many types of supplement on the market today. These supplements can be roughly divided into categories. Of these categories, Primeburn would fall into the one labelled ‘fat burner’ and is a type product that will help burn up that persistent layer of body fat that tends to loiter in the hips and just over the lower abs.

This is the hardest area of fat to shred, and therefore needing assistance from a product like Primeburn is not uncommon at all.

To demolish this lingering fat deposit, Primeburn employs a tried and tested formula. Rather than doing the same job as other products, such as CLAAs that limit the amount of fat you absorb via your diet, Primeburn tackles the problem head on.

By taking Primeburn, you basically supercharge your energy and metabolism levels. There are a number of beneficial consequences of this. The first of these benefits, is that you are going to able to go harder at the gym. Train faster, train harder, train longer. That trifecta of benefits is going to see that last bit of body disappear faster than an ice cube on hot summers day. The science behind it is simple, the more exercise you’re doing at a higher intensity, the more calories your burn. Combine this with a low fat diet and the results are remarkable.

An additional benefit of taking Primeburn, is that you shift your body into a higher fat burning gear. This is due to the fact that Primeburn accelerates and maintains your metabollic and thermogenic rates. These rates govern how quickly your body can break down compounds into their constituent metabolites. Fat is one of these compounds. By increasing the rate of fat breakdown, more fat is burned and your energy levels are raised further.

PrimeBurn Testimonials

Not yet convinced? You don’t need to just take my word for it, check out some results by yourself:

Primeburn Testimonial
Primeburn Testimonial

Why Choose Primeburn?

The main reason that I would recommend using Primeburn, is that it’s a complete product. It works on multiple fronts which ensures results. Furthermore, due to the ingredients, it outclasses competitors.

Other fat burning products work by pumping you full of caffeine to boost your energy levels. Where they work to an extent, they also stop you from getting a good nights sleep. Rest is just as importance as exercise in a bodybuilding regime, so they ended up being more of a hinderance than a help.

The other reason that causes Primeburn to stand out from the rest is that it’s actually good value for money and much cheaper than competitors.

As well as reasonably priced single packs, Bauer Nutrition also offer discounts on bulk buys. Currently you are able to get the buy three get three free offer, or buy two get one free. If you’re serious about shredding fat and would like to save some money, these bulk buys of Primeburn should be a no brainer.

Discontinued Product

This product has been discontinued and is no longer available for purchase.

We suggest visiting our best diet pills article for the latest product recommendations.