Exercises to lose belly fat which you can do at home

Looking for exercises to lose belly fat which you can do at home? Then you found a right place!

Many people don’t know that to have six pack is not enough to do physical exercises. It is important to eat healthy foods, low-saturated fat, limit sugar and salt intake and also drink plenty of water.

These exercises that you can do at home to lose belly fat will also help to strengthen abdominal muscles, improve posture and contribute to a better body shape. You can do these 3 to 5 times a week.

Drink green tea or ginger tea before you start exercises. Green and ginger tea are thermogenic and helps to speed up metabolism, so your body burns more calories. Moreover, before you move to your exercises you should do 15 to 20 minutes of cardio, which can be achieved while running or walking.

Exercise 1 – SquattingSquatting

Move the legs apart, stretch arms out in front of the body and squat, as shown above, continue for 30 – 60 seconds.

The benefits of squatting include: strengthening the abdominal muscles, back muscles, and also the thighs and buttocks. In addition, this exercise does not impact the joints and can be done anywhere. Moreover, this exercise improves body shape and helps to maintain a good posture. When you are done, take a short break and move on to another exercise of your choice.

Exercise 2 – Push Upspush ups

Place your knees on the floor and cross your feet, position and bend your arms as shown in the image above, then extend your arms and repeat it for 30 – 60 seconds. When you are done, take a short break and move on to another exercise of your choice.

Exercise 3 – Cross Climbercross climber

To start you should place your hands on the floor and curl your toes towards your head, keeping the body still, stretch in this position. Then you should bring one leg to the side as shown in the picture above, alternating both legs throughout the exercise. When you are done, take a short break and move on to another exercise of your choice.

Front Plankfront plank

Place your elbows, forearms and tiptoe to the floor. Align your elbows and forearms at shoulder level and join your feet. Keep straight back and abdomen tight. Stay in this position as long as you can. When you are done, take a short break and move on to another exercise of your choice.

V upsv ups abs

Lie on your back. Raise trunk and legs simultaneously with arms outstretched. Contract the abdomen and keep the back straight. Stay in this position for a few seconds and repeat the process as many times as you can. When you are done, take a short break and move on to another exercise of your choice.

Scissors KicksScissors Kicks

Lie on your back and place both hands under your head. Keep your back on the floor and lift your legs. Move your legs in opposite directions (while one rises the other descends). Repeat this process as many times as you can. When you are done, take a short break and move on to another exercise of your choice.

Lying Down BicycleLying Down Bicycle

Lie on your back and hold your head with both hands. Keep your back straight and make movements with your legs as if you were pedalling a bicycle. Make as many repetitions as you can. When you are done, take a short break and move on to another exercise of your choice.

Recommendations for exercises

You should aim to do each of the exercise for 30 to 60 seconds. Take a short break and then start doing the other one. When you finish all of these exercises, rest for another minute and repeat the series from the beginning two more times. Pay attention to your breathing.

However, if you experience any discomfort, such as back pain, neck or knee, stop exercises immediately and consult your doctor first. Personal trainer may give you a complete set of exercises that can be done at home or at the gym depending on your goal.

Another great option for body toning and slimming are fights and martial arts, which define muscles and improves endurance and physical strength.

Diet to lose belly fat

The following menu provides the example of a 3-day diet to help you to lose belly fat, using wholemeal foods that improves bowel function and diuretic foods that fights fluid retention in the body.

First Day

Breakfast: 1 glass of almond milk + 1 wholemeal bread with ricotta and herbs, lettuce and tomato + 1 slice of melon;

Morning snack: 1 glass of hibiscus tea with lemon + 4 rich tea biscuits;

Lunch / Dinner: 4 tablespoons brown rice + 2 tablespoons beans + 1 turkey steak with tomato sauce + lettuce, cucumber, carrot and beetroot salad + 1 orange;

Afternoon snack: banana smoothie (banana, milk and ice), apple and 1 tablespoon oat flakes;

Second Day

Breakfast: 1 Fat free yoghurt with 30 g wholegrain cereals + 1 apple;

Morning snack: 1 glass of pink juice (1 beet + 1 medium carrot + 1 teaspoon ginger + 1 cup of coconut water + juice of 1 lemon);

Lunch / Dinner: 3 tablespoons spaghetti served with tuna. Made with 1 can of tuna, pasta, peas, olives and tomato sauce or pesto sauce + cabbage salad with onion and olive oil + 1 slice of pineapple;

Afternoon snack: 1 glass of skimmed milk + 1 slice of wholemeal bread with 1 slice of cheese + 1 banana mashed with 1/2 teaspoon of chia seeds;

Third Day

Breakfast: 1 glass of skimmed milk with 1/2 tablespoon of cocoa powder + 2 wholegrain rice cakes with light curd;

Morning snack: 1 glass of green tea with lemon and cinnamon + 2 nuts;

Lunch / Dinner: 4 tablespoons brown rice + slice of grilled chicken + chickpea salad, tomato and peppers + 1 apple;

Afternoon snack: 1 fat free yogurt with 1/2 teaspoon flaxseed + 1 wholegrain toast with ghee butter.

For best possible results you might consider taking weight loss supplements which will suppress your appetite and will boost your metabolism to burn fat faster. For more detailed information click here:  Best Diet Pills 2018

Check out our complete program of how to lose belly fat in a week : How to Lose belly Fat

Hello there! :) My name is Emilia Smith and I love to help people look and feel better. I am the main researcher on HealthExpertGuide.com and keep it up-to-date with the best solutions available on the market for a wide variety of health needs!


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